It's a bit odd having items disappear from a brick and mortar store without Larkin even being present-- we usually get a chance to say goodbye to each piece! These two wraps found their homes today-- lots more still available to see in person at Dragon Crystals! Larkin got a sales notification while socializing our chicks-- it seems to be working! 😂
Artist Of The Month
product, venues, process, musingsCommentIdle Talons was named May's artist of the month at Dragon Crystals, our local rock and gem shop! This was made official several months ago, and of course timing could have been better given... well, the pandemic. They are open, so stop by if you're local and would like to see some of Larkin's work in person! Please observe social distancing and wear a mask. It was a fun challenge deciding on layout and which pieces to include in their display case, and a brick-and-mortar display feels like a bit of a milestone!
Mother's Day Sale
venues, product, musingsCommentHi folks! We know we have been a bit quiet lately-- isolation is taking its toll on this extroverted teen. Larkin does have a special offer for Facebook followers, though! Now until Mother's Day, Larkin is offering 10% off all purchases with the coupon code MOTHER. If you happen to be local (generally between Central Point and Ashland) we're also offering free no-contact delivery before Mother's Day with the code LOCAL. It's a good time to get something to beautify your time in isolation if you've been on the fence.
Media Attention
process, musings, venuesCommentSpring, isolation and market cancellation has led to distraction, disappointment and frustration for small businesses and Idle Talons is not immune! Larkin is working on some new designs and is busy cleaning and reorganizing the Idle Talons studio/ teenager bedroom. It was a bright spot in our week when a local news outlet included Idle Talons in their coverage of the local Comic Con that was cancelled this year!
Current Events
musings, venuesCommentWe're living through a pandemic unlike anything we (personally) have seen before, and it seems remiss not to mention current events here. Our family lives in southern Oregon. Schools were closed last week (we homeschool, so not much has changed for us) and local governments are urging social distancing. We live in the forest, at the end of a half mile driveway, with no visible neighbors-- again, isolation is easy for us. We have chosen to stay home, except for carefully conducted trips to town for necessities, in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
Almost all of Idle Talon's upcoming markets have been canceled. Larkin is lucky-- as a 15-year-old supported by parents, these cancellations don't have a catastrophic effect on family finances. We know SO MANY artists and creators, many met through Larkin's forays into the local market scene, whose crafts are their family's sole support. These folks rely on event income and face serious hardship in the coming months.
Please, if you were planning on attending a Comic Con or other event that has been canceled, check out the vendor list and make a purchase from a small business's web site or etsy page. If you were planning on attending a concert that has been canceled, consider going on-line and purchasing the musician's latest album. Canceled book signing by a local author? Purchase their latest book on-line. Buy directly from the artist whenever possible! Support each other as events unfold.
We will continue to post regular updates on Larkin's work (maybe even *more* regularly since real-world teen distractions are minimized at the moment!) but wanted to acknowledge that current times are not business as usual for any of us. Kind readers: stay healthy, maintain social distance, and, of course, wash your hands.
Market Season Is Upon Us!
venuesCommentTomorrow's the day! Come visit all the amazing local vendors, including Larkin and the Idle Talons booth, tomorrow at the first RVGCM Ashland Tuesday Market of the year! Larkin will be bringing lots of old favorites plus new designs and updated displays, and it's looking like the weather will be cooperating beautifully. Woot!
Market Booth Facelift
product, process, venuesCommentMore work on new displays and signs! Have we mentioned our great fondness for public domain images? The sea star dish for the mermaids was a fortuitous thrift store find.
Display Progress
product, process, venuesCommentWe've been playing with dressing up displays for the upcoming market season and have been really pleased with some of the public domain images we've found for making new signage! Big shout out to fellow vendor Ruby of Valhalla Organics for letting us borrow her laminator to make them extra sturdy!
Market Tomorrow
venues, funCommentIdle Talons will be at the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society - RAGMS Holiday Market tomorrow, 11/2, from 10am - 4pm at Crater Rock Museum in Central Point. If you're local and love rocks it's the place to be! Free museum admission all day.
venuesCommentWhat? USA today has named our local farmer’s market as one of the 10 best in the U.S. So cool! Idle Talons is at Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market every first Tuesday of the month in Ashland!
Product Board
musings, process, product, venuesCommentThe Idle Talons product board is ever-evolving. This is where Larkin puts new designs, experiments that will probably never be repeated because they were so time-consuming (but fun and educational!), and long-time customer favorites. This is how it shaped up for today's event at Scienceworks. You're missing out if you haven't checked out the booth in person.
Next Event
venuesCommentLocal folks! Come see Idle Talons and other talented local Makers this Sunday from 11am - 5pm at Scienceworks' MakerFest in Ashland!
Next Market!
venues, product, funCommentThe next Idle Talons market is this Friday-- the final Talent Artisans & Growers Market of the season! Come see what Larkin and the other vendors have been up to, partake in some food truck goodness, and enjoy the live music 5:30-dusk by the skate park.
Eye Of The Beholder
fun, venuesCommentThe best spontaneous comment from a customer at yesterday's market was prompted by the dragon eyes: "Ooooh, those are freaky! It'd be fun to wear them to jail!"
They weren't planning on providing any more context, but their mortified friend explained that they work as a prison nurse.
Market Day
venues, processCommentAfter a personal record-breaking sale day on Tuesday at Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market, Idle Talons will be at Talent Artisans & Growers Market this evening from 5:30-dusk. One more commission to complete, then a bit of a break for travel!
Market Schedule
venuesCommentWhat's that saying? Out of the vacation pan and into the fire? I think that's close...
Idle Talons is gearing up for 4 markets in 5 days starting this Friday! Here's the line-up:
Friday, 5/31: Talent Artisans & Growers 5-9 pm by the Talent skate park
Saturday, 6/1: Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ 12-8 pm at Roxy Ann Winery in Medford
Sunday, 6/2: Crafter's Market at Hanley Farm 12-3 pm
Monday, 6/3: breathe. sleep. re-stock.
Tuesday, 6/4: Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market 8:30 am - 1:30 pm at the Ashland Armory
Hope to see some of you there!
Made In Southern Oregon
venuesCommentCome see the Idle Talons booth today until 7pm at Made in Southern Oregon in downtown Central Point!
Made In Southern Oregon
venuesCommentNext event... stop by the Idle Talons booth in Central Point this Saturday!
New Butterfly Wings
product, venuesCommentTwo new shades of these gleaming butterfly wings have alit! These are always eye-catchers at market days... you can check them out in person tomorrow near the Talent skate park!
Comic Con Is A Wrap!
venues, funComment<Whew!> It was a long, very successful weekend at Comic Con for Idle Talons-- having a booth staffed by Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind didn't hurt! Larkin plans to buckle down to replenishing stock and will be making and wrapping some new cabochons in the coming weeks.