Idle Talons


A New Board Is Born!

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Aaaaah we made it-- just in time for the 2024 Talent Harvest Festival tomorrow! Larkin will be at the Wagner Plaza Local Goods Market downtown and it seems like every business in town is offering up specials and fun activities-- don't miss it if you're local!

It turns out we made swapping all of Larkin's inventory onto new cards even harder than it could have been. πŸ˜… As long as we had everything off of cards, we figured it would be a good time for Larkin to give everything a thorough cleaning and polish before re-carding them.

During this process, we were chagrined to discover that the masking tape we've been using to affix cords to the back of cards does leave a sticky residue if it has been on there too long. πŸ˜¬πŸ‘€ Larkin has a rapid enough turnover that it probably hasn't happened often, but if you've purchased a sticky cord please stop by Larkin's booth any time and they'd be happy to give you a new adhesive-free one! Meanwhile, fancy new tape that claims to be residue-free is arriving this weekend. ✨

We are super pleased with the end result-- Larkin's board has never looked more professional! 😁 The first picture is the new board, the second is the old board (with a few blank spaces right after a market).

New Product Cards!

fun, musings, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Here's an Idle Talons business milestone that probably means more to me (Larkin's mum) than anyone else! πŸ˜… WE GOT PRODUCT CARDS PRINTED!

Until now, I've been printing cards on card stock, ironing them (I know... but our laser printer always made the pages curve!), stamping them, and cutting them out.

These ones are so much better! It's a heavier, more durable card stock, we had contact info printed on the back so they also kind of act as business cards, they have rounded corners... and I didn't make them! 😁 I am still stamping them with the handmade silver dragon logo stamp so they retain a bit of that small handmade business chic. ;)

We won't have all of Larkin's products moved to the new cards in time for (tomorrow's!) First Tuesday Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market, but we hope to have an all-new display ready for the next Saturday market!

First Tuesday!

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

It's first Tuesday already! If you are local and it has been awhile since you checked out Larkin's booth at @Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market this would be a good day to come check it out-- they've been turning out so many cool new designs lately! Plus, summer fruit and veggie season is in full swing and it doesn't get any fresher than buying right from the farmers 🀀

Larkin will be in Ashland at the ScienceWorks parking lot from 8:30am-1:30pm today and would love to see you ☺️

A Happy Accident

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin was re-stocking their wild rose stud earrings when a few stud posts refused to solder properly. So they pivoted, added a couple of leaves and turned the stubborn studs into sweet little tiny necklace charms.

These aren't part of Larkin's regular line, but are something you can find on their ever-evolving market display. Next opportunity to visit in person is this Saturday August 3 at the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market in Ashland!

At a recent market, someone told Larkin that one of their favorite perks of supporting Idle Talons is that Larkin is willing to break up pairs of earrings. Not everyone has symmetric piercings, and as a handmade business Larkin is always happy to provide a single earring!

Holy Moly... More Roly Polies

fun, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

It's still roly poly season in the Idle Talons workshop! Larkin appreciates all the support so much and was totally caught up on orders... several times this week. πŸ˜…

Larkin had a couple of special requests that inspired adding two more necklace designs to their regular offerings. After playing with a few different designs, Larkin finally settled on a way to hang a balled isopod from a chain-- they create what they're calling a cherry pit centerpiece that the roly poly curls around. It can move freely (it's not soldered to the "pit") but the slightly flattened shape of the pit keeps it mostly oriented with the curled isopod's profile facing out.

Larkin also added a necklace design featuring all three isopod poses. The isopods are connected by hand-shaped hammered loops. This trio necklace is quite delicate but has enough heft that the isopods dangle rather alluringly (if I do say so myself).

The free movement means these necklaces make a very subtle jangling sound that brings Larkin a great deal of joy. πŸ₯°πŸŽΆ

Local folks! Larkin will be participating in the RVGCM Saturday market in downtown Ashland on Oak Street for the very first time tomorrow-- they'd love to see you there! :)

Medford Comic Con!

fun, musings, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Tomorrow! May the Fourth be with you at this year's comic con! Larkin started vending at this super fun local event as a wee young 14-year-old Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Their products have certainly matured a bit in the last 5 years. Stop by and say hi!

Wagner Plaza Market

musings, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Local friendies! Larkin will be at this sweet little local market for the first time TOMORROW! And yes, the forecast calls for rain so they and the other vendors will be even more than usually super duper appreciative of your visit. πŸ˜‰πŸŒ¦

If you're hoping for roly polies, come early. πŸ˜… Larkin has been turning them out and sending them off as fast as humanly possible over the last couple of weeks-- they will have just a few on their board!

Cat Tails Revisited!

fun, product, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

These cat tails are another design Larkin has tweaked slightly-- making the seed heads contrasting copper really makes them pop! I always think Larkin's cat tails conjure up memories of halcyon summer days by the pond-- such a lovely, flowing design.

Larkin spent the last of their post-holiday/pre-market-season break visiting a friend at university in Canada and returned just a couple of days before the opening market of the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market! As in years past, Larkin will be there on the first Tuesday of every month. Remember they have a fabulous new location this year at ScienceWorks in Ashland!

On Shopping Small

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's next market is this weekend at the Talent Elementary School! Talent Artisans & Growers curates a super sweet market with lots of amazing artists.

Having a kid embarking on this wild world of artisan craftsmanship has really brought home how important it is to support small businesses. Larkin is 18 now. These next few years will determine whether Larkin has a career or a hobby in lapidary and metalworking-- I know their creativity has positively exploded with the unfettered time and passion they've poured into their work in the last few years.

Supporting artisan businesses is supporting individual dreams, bringing a little more beauty into our world, and investing in local economy.

No more hard sell. πŸ˜‰ We won't be jumping on all the seasonal buzzword sale days-- Larkin is too busy creating! Thank you for being here. Know that your comments, shares, and purchases never fail to light up Larkin's face. Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating this week!

RoxyAnn Winery Holiday Market

fun, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's first holiday market of the season is this weekend. Open 10-5 each day, RoxyAnn Winery throws a mean holiday party! Lots of local makers will be there, plus food and beverage trucks... plus, of course, wine. This is a wonderful, fun opportunity to support small businesses this season. πŸ·πŸŽπŸŽ€β›„οΈπŸŽ…

Barter Is Best

fun, musings, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

One of Larkin's favorite things about market is the other vendors! Josie from TerraSol Organics has gotten our whole family hooked on her pea sprouts! They dress up a sandwich like nobody's business and are an amazing addition to salads.

At the end of just about every market, Josie shows up like a beneficent sprout angel and bestows her treasure upon Larkin.

Unfortunately, Josie doesn't wear much jewelry, which is traditionally how Larkin gives thanks. But! She's a crocheter! And she had a problem with her pinky curling too tightly and hurting while she crocheted. So Larkin made her a silver finger splint that keeps her pinky at a comfortable angle while she works. She has been using it ever since, thus securing our inside connection to beautiful, crunchy sproutlings.

Chakra Crystal Vine

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

A regular brought Larkin this "chakra crystal" (7 different stones glued together and polished into the shape of a crystal) that had originally come with a glue-on bail. The bail had fallen off and they requested Larkin come up with a cage design that would hold it more securely.

Not one for simple cages, Larkin wrapped it in a silver leafing vine that holds the stone firmly in place and topped it with a secure bail. Et Voila!

In other news, tomorrow is Larkin's last Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market of the season! They will have many new items there that we haven't had a chance to photograph and list yet, so come on by for first pick of some of this season's pretties!

Harvest Festival

fun, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin is super excited to take part in the Talent Harvest Festival for the first time! Our small town has been through a lot in recent years and still manages to throw a pretty amazing celebration!

Sign up for the fun run, eat delicious fresh food, listen to live music, shop from local vendors, and participate in a slew of fun activities! The Idle Talons booth will be set up right on Main Street at Old Town Park, next to the skate park and across from City Hall.

Hope to see you there!

Happy October!

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

As holiday markets approach, Larkin is wanting to re-stock so as many of their designs as possible are available. It had been a long time since we went through the Idle Talons website and compared it to Larkin's current stock!

So... we made a list. A very long list. And Larkin has been hard at work. You never know what you'll find on Larkin's workbench. Most of the items pictured here are bits and pieces of (or completed) items off the list. But I also spy some silver lichen-- who knew?!

And tomorrow is already first Tuesday! Come see Larkin and pick up some fresh veggies at the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market, tomorrow at the Ashland Armory from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm!

Markets, Smoke, and Samaras

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Tonight's Talent Artisans & Growers Market has been cancelled due to such poor air quality. πŸ˜” We are hoping for improvement in time for next month's first Tuesday @Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market in Ashland!

Larkin has been re-stocking these wonderfully whimsical whirligigs... er, samaras. πŸ˜… The first step is cutting the... wings? Leaves? Membranes? out of sheet metal, leaving behind some delightfully curled trimmings.

Then Larkin whacks the bejeezus out of them (tink tink tink all through the house for HOURS) to give them their unique texture and wooble.

Larkin then solders them to the seed framework and spines, oxidizes them, partially polishes by hand, and finally finishes the polish in a rotary polisher with stainless steel medium.

Larkin has been making these as clothing pins as well as necklaces, and is hoping to come up with a more double-sided finished product to use as a free-twirling earring design.

Rocks, Cats, and Medieval Times

fun, musings, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin is spending some time sorting through stones today and cutting cabochons for some new projects. (Pippin is helping, and thinking he's being subtle about his desire for the water bowl.)

I'm hoping some of those tumbled sunstones make the cut-- look at them shine in the sun!

Larkin's next market looks really fun! It's indoors (out of the heat!) and there are some amazing old school artists attending. Check out the Medieval Craft Fair and come say hi if you're local!

Applegate Jade Ivy Nightscape

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin Hamilton

... and we're back! Larkin had a busy month of traveling and visiting with family but has been making time to work in the studio whenever possible. And my laptop has been given a new lease on life with a shiny new (bigger!) hard drive and not-so-swollen battery. πŸ˜…

Come see Idle Talons tonight at the Talent Artisans & Growers market-- and see this new piece in person! ;)

This is another piece Larkin cut from out favorite local stone-- applegate jade. It is not a true jade (more closely related to bowenite) and is a deep green stone, nearly black in some lighting, with flecks of magnetite that actually makes it attractive to magnets!

It glows a translucent yellow-green when backlit. I tried to demonstrate just how translucent it can be by balancing the piece on top of a flashlight standing in a jar of lentils and leaning on a pile of towels in the laundry room. Yep, a true glimpse into the glamorous world of jewelry photography!

This stone has a darker green stripe down the middle that gives the impression of a pupilβ€” with the ivy β€œantlers” this piece reminds me of a forest guardian in the spirit of Studio Ghibli!

Larkin hand-shaped each ivy leaf from sterling sheet, and the vines are textured to mimic their wild counterparts. They polished the back for a smooth feel against the skin and finished it with a full moon peeking through the branches of a tree.

A whole lotta magic going on with this one!


fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Jellies!!! Did you know a group of jellyfish is called a... SMACK?!

These earrings appear delicately ethereal and flowy, but they are much sturdier than they appear! Larkin soldered each tentacle to the central stinging arm and work-hardened each earring for rigidity.

That said, if you have hair likely to tangle in these tentacles you'd probably want to wear it backβ€” the better to show off these ebullient Medusozoa!

Larkin makes the bells of these jellyfish in either silver or copper. The ear hook and the rest of the jelly bits are hand-fabricated from sterling silver. No two will ever be perfectly identical, and that is part of their charm!

These will make their market debut tomorrow at the Spring Talent Craft Crawl, sponsored by the Talent Business Alliance! The Idle Talons booth will be in the lawn in front of Town Hall and Larkin would love to see you there!

Copper Capped Mushrooms

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

We have fungus among us, folks! Larkin made a whole cluster of these little copper-capped cuties.

Larkin shapes the caps from sheet copper, and drills a hole through the center. They form the jump ring on top from sterling silver wire, then they pass it through the cap to become the stem. They shape the base of the stem so it is larger and rough textured, just like so many mushrooms in the wild.

Such sweet little forest denizens! These will be available at the upcoming first annual Spring Talent Craft Crawl, sponsored by the Talent Business Alliance. We're so excited our small hometown has such amazing opportunities for artists!

Finding First Tuesday

fun, musings, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Did you know Larkin makes their own findings to be sure everything is high quality and matching materials? Turning wire into jump rings is pretty cool!

Hey-- tomorrow is first Tuesday! Larkin will be at the Ashland Armory with the Rogue Valley Growers and Crafters Market from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm, rain or snow (or sleet or sun)-- happy April!