Idle Talons

Current Events

musings, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

We're living through a pandemic unlike anything we (personally) have seen before, and it seems remiss not to mention current events here. Our family lives in southern Oregon. Schools were closed last week (we homeschool, so not much has changed for us) and local governments are urging social distancing. We live in the forest, at the end of a half mile driveway, with no visible neighbors-- again, isolation is easy for us. We have chosen to stay home, except for carefully conducted trips to town for necessities, in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Almost all of Idle Talon's upcoming markets have been canceled. Larkin is lucky-- as a 15-year-old supported by parents, these cancellations don't have a catastrophic effect on family finances. We know SO MANY artists and creators, many met through Larkin's forays into the local market scene, whose crafts are their family's sole support. These folks rely on event income and face serious hardship in the coming months.

Please, if you were planning on attending a Comic Con or other event that has been canceled, check out the vendor list and make a purchase from a small business's web site or etsy page. If you were planning on attending a concert that has been canceled, consider going on-line and purchasing the musician's latest album. Canceled book signing by a local author? Purchase their latest book on-line. Buy directly from the artist whenever possible! Support each other as events unfold.

We will continue to post regular updates on Larkin's work (maybe even *more* regularly since real-world teen distractions are minimized at the moment!) but wanted to acknowledge that current times are not business as usual for any of us. Kind readers: stay healthy, maintain social distance, and, of course, wash your hands.