Idle Talons


Out Of This World!

process, product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

This planetary cab is another that Larkin cut from an Applegate jade stone found by our family. This is a prototype for a design Larkin wants to do in silver, but the gleaming copper rings are pretty spectacular in their own right! Certain sci-fi buffs among us were amused to discover that it measures precisely 42 mm long.


New Cabs!

process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

First things first: in case you were wondering if Larkin's work outfit could get any more glamorous, check it out with the addition of a sun hat! Larkin spent a day outside before this most recent storm hit getting some work done on the genie. All the unlabeled cabs are local Applegate jade/serpentine and destined to become leaf wraps. Finn, Larkin's younger brother, helpfully dubbed the grossular garnet cab "Shrek snot." Thanks, Finn.


Current Events

musings, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

We're living through a pandemic unlike anything we (personally) have seen before, and it seems remiss not to mention current events here. Our family lives in southern Oregon. Schools were closed last week (we homeschool, so not much has changed for us) and local governments are urging social distancing. We live in the forest, at the end of a half mile driveway, with no visible neighbors-- again, isolation is easy for us. We have chosen to stay home, except for carefully conducted trips to town for necessities, in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Almost all of Idle Talon's upcoming markets have been canceled. Larkin is lucky-- as a 15-year-old supported by parents, these cancellations don't have a catastrophic effect on family finances. We know SO MANY artists and creators, many met through Larkin's forays into the local market scene, whose crafts are their family's sole support. These folks rely on event income and face serious hardship in the coming months.

Please, if you were planning on attending a Comic Con or other event that has been canceled, check out the vendor list and make a purchase from a small business's web site or etsy page. If you were planning on attending a concert that has been canceled, consider going on-line and purchasing the musician's latest album. Canceled book signing by a local author? Purchase their latest book on-line. Buy directly from the artist whenever possible! Support each other as events unfold.

We will continue to post regular updates on Larkin's work (maybe even *more* regularly since real-world teen distractions are minimized at the moment!) but wanted to acknowledge that current times are not business as usual for any of us. Kind readers: stay healthy, maintain social distance, and, of course, wash your hands.

Serpentine Moonscape

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's latest tree is done! The large background cab is cut from a swirly, deep green Applegate jade/serpentine stone found locally by our family. Larkin cut the moon from another stone we found comprised of agate and common opal. The swing is hand-formed and fused, made of argentium silver. There is something very evocative about the scene this piece presents!


Ring Around The Rose Quartz

product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin cut and polished this pale rose quartz cabochon and surrounded it with a ring of beads and hand-shaped roses, all in oxidized and polished copper. The stone is semi-translucent so the wires on the back will show through on a light background. Larkin insisted that "sproingy cord holder loopies" is not the official name for this style of bail but failed to present me with an alternative, so there you have it. ;) A classically elegant piece by any name!


Attention To Detail

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Did you know Larkin makes almost all Idle Talons jump rings by hand? This ensures that the metals match and the rings are high quality. Most of Larkin’s jump rings are oval rather than round which keeps the joint away from the chain or cord— making it less likely for a necklace to fall apart entirely if it snags during daily wear. Larkin has been singing the praises of this new jewelry saw (broke the first blade last night!) that makes it easy to cut many rings at one time with a nice flat joint.


Necklace of Power!

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin crafted the many-sided dice used while playing Dungeons and Dragons from beads and joined them in this imposing necklace. It was probably too time-consuming to become a regular Idle Talons product, but there will no longer be any question who is DM at our house! Sure to be a critical hit with any D&D fan…


Applegate Jade Leaf

process, product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Another slightly simpler wrap, this time a leaf cabochon Larkin cut and polished from Applegate jade (serpentine) found near our home in southern Oregon. The veins are shaped from fused argentium silver, with the stem end acting as the bail. A simply beautiful design that one customer described as being “the sort of gift any hobbit would be pleased to receive from Galadriel.” (okay, it was Larkin's uncle 😅)


Silver Rose Rings

product, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

After a great deal of wear testing (we put them through a lot, although we stopped just short of wearing them while splitting firewood) and quality control, Larkin is ready to offer these sweet rose rings!

These delicate but sturdy adornments are constructed of pure argentium silver— all joints are fused rather than soldered for a smooth, clean look and feel. (I learned jewelers say “fused,” perhaps because it sounds more delicate and less industrial than “welded,” but the meaning is the same.) Roses and leaves are individually constructed and wrap around the band. Our wear testers agree that they are very comfortable! Bands are 18 gauge silver and can be made to fit virtually any digit.


Obsidian Waves

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Today's lesson: my photography skills are not ready for Larkin to start working in obsidian. 😂 Look at the first picture. Closer. Zoom right on in there. See our circuit breaker? Yup, clear as day.

This is a black obsidian cab that Larkin polished to a mirror shine (thanks, Larkin). It is a solid, gleaming back, but displays interesting striations when backlit. The contrast between the bright silver and deep black obsidian give this wrap a bold, elegant feel.

Looking Fabulous

fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Just another shot from the Idle Talons office... nobody told us the wonderful world of jewelry making would be so glamorous! Coveralls that fit Larkin’s not-quite-5’2” frame don’t seem to be a thing. We think the shot of hot pink really pulls the whole outfit together.


Silver Leaf Earrings

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin is taking a short break from stone and solder work while we wait for a respirator that should actually fit to arrive (hopefully Monday!). Apparently breaks from certain kinds of work can inspire new designs! These stunningly simple, shaped wire leaves are made from a single piece of 20 gauge silver wire. The wire is shaped, hammered and fused at one point. The result is very elegant— a design that we dare say wouldn’t look out of place gracing Galadriel’s elven lobes! (Thanks to Larkin's younger brother Finn for dipping his human lobes into the glamorous world of ear modelling.)
