Idle Talons


Leaves! (not for you!)

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's grandma had put in a request for first rights of refusal to the next batch of leaves. She saw these and wanted them all. From left to right: red jasper, applegate jade, and what we think is applegate jade with some super striking impurities. So, I guess what I came here to say is: aren't these pretty? You can't have them! Larkin should have more done in the next few days. If you’re a leaf fan, these tend to sell extremely quickly! If you’re not lucky enough to be Larkin’s grandma, we highly recommend you follow us on Facebook at where we usually give fans a first chance to purchase before listing here. :)


Rockhounding Success!

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

We broke in 2021 with a close-to-home rockhounding trip today! Found some gorgeous jaspers and agates and petrified wood (oh my!). One chunk of petrified wood is the size of Larkin's head and has agate veining and druzy pockets! It's the kind of specimen that makes it hard to decide whether to cut it up...


fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Amongst all the other holiday hoopla, Larkin had a quiet 16th birthday on Dec. 24! A brand new drill press has been tested on wood, but this week has been a wee bit chilly to get it set up with water to drill stone. Hopefully it shall fulfill it's destiny soon-- we're looking forward to seeing what this kid creates in the new year!


And Now For Something Completely Different...

musings, process, product, funLarkin HamiltonComment

These earrings are Larkin's most entertaining commission to date! I would pay good money to have a recording of Larkin's younger brother's double-take when he first spotted them "wait... are those...?!" And all the design conversations we usually have about commissions took on a whole new level of culturally-induced hilarity: "so... is it fun if the nipples move-- even if it's possible for them to end up over one shoulder-- or should I solder them in place?" After consulting with the customer, nipple mobility was the clear winner. I was preemptively banned from ever owning a pair due to the likelihood I would present myself ear-first to people I don't know very well and ask them if they want to play with my nipples. In all seriousness, they're a beautiful celebration of the female form. [inside voice: BOOBIES!]


Ghosts In The Wire

fun, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin was working on some copper-veined leaves, and this little (fawn? dog? donkey?) popped out! The ears are the shape Larkin makes to tie off the veins on the backs of the leaves.

Larkin is stocking up for a week-long on-line bazaar extravaganza coming up at the end of the month-- more details on some exclusive Idle Talons deals for that event soon!


Exclusive Offer For Facebook Fans

venues, product, process, musings, funLarkin HamiltonComment

If you haven’t followed Idle Talons over on Facebook, now is a great time to start! Larkin caught the pumpkin-spice-and-everything-nice autumn bug and designed these sweet little (almost exactly quarter-sized) charms! These perfectly plump pumpkins feature textured stems with curly vines and will come on an 18" cord for $18 shipped to the U.S. They can also be made into earrings for $33 shipped. Join us on Facebook to get your pumpkin on! It's finally starting to feel like fall, y'all!


Copper Foxes

product, process, musings, funLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin designed these copper foxes* as an addition to a wire-wrapped pendant, but they are so charming we couldn’t resist offering them on their own! Each fox is hand-formed from copper wire and lead-free copper solder, pickled in an acidic solution to rid them of torch scorch (self-directed jewelry learning often results in less-than-official terminology), polished of any remaining residue, dipped in liver of sulphur to oxidize, then polished one last time. They have a ton of personality and eminently boopable snouts!

*Some viewers may see these as coyote pups. Idle Talons hereby acknowledges your right to interpret art however you wish, but insists that in this case you are wrong. 😉🤣🦊


Cloaked In Mystery

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin spent the last few days making this cloak, complete with hand-crafted copper cloak-pin, feline photo shoot assistance, and all the flap-tastic twirls! So... how anachronistic is the Idle Talons fan base-- should Larkin design a line of cloak/shawl pins?

(And, Yes! I *do* constantly think Larkin's going to correct my sloppy use of The Force or break out into Benedictine chants, thanks for asking. 😉)

Facebook Raffle!

product, process, fun, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin is offering the chance to win this gorgeous piece over on Facebook— if you’re not already a follower there, this would be a great time to start!

1) $10 buys you a single entry for a 1 in 15 chance of winning the piece. (Available for U.S. and international entries)

2) $15 buys you a single entry for a 1 in 15 chance of winning the piece AND a small handmade trinket so you're guaranteed happy mail even if you're not the big winner. (Available for U.S. entries only)

There are ONLY 15 TICKETS AVAILABLE-- first come, first served! To enter, and for more details, please see the Facebook post at


Idle Talons Was Here

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin finished work on this approximately head-sized Gallifreyan wall hanging today! This piece embodies a whack-ton of soldering (I'm pretty sure that's the official term), circles and straight lines (two of Larkin's least favorite things to make) so it was truly a labor of love! Larkin chose to leave the copper natural rather than oxidizing and polishing it. Just in case your Gallifreyan is a wee bit rusty, this self-referentially proclaims "Idle Talons made this." Recursive much?


Silver Ribbon Earrings

fun, productLarkin HamiltonComment

These unostentatious, flowing earrings are made from a single piece of 20 gauge silver wire, with paddled front and hook incorporated into the design. For those days when less is more!

Thanks to Larkin’s “little” brother, Finn, for his patience and willingness to be a jewelry model!


A Sweet Story

fun, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

When you give a wire wrapper a licorice rope...

... they may turn it into chain mail and doodles. ;)

Lapis Planet

fun, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin cut and polished this gleaming blue cabochon from a small slab of lapis lazuli gifted from a fellow rockhound at the rock shop. Wrapped in gleaming argentium silver rings that match shining flecks in the stone, this piece is truly stellar! (See what I did there?)

Just for fun, the second picture is a visual pun representing a well-known song title... can you guess it?
