Idle Talons

And Now For Something Completely Different...

musings, process, product, funLarkin HamiltonComment

These earrings are Larkin's most entertaining commission to date! I would pay good money to have a recording of Larkin's younger brother's double-take when he first spotted them "wait... are those...?!" And all the design conversations we usually have about commissions took on a whole new level of culturally-induced hilarity: "so... is it fun if the nipples move-- even if it's possible for them to end up over one shoulder-- or should I solder them in place?" After consulting with the customer, nipple mobility was the clear winner. I was preemptively banned from ever owning a pair due to the likelihood I would present myself ear-first to people I don't know very well and ask them if they want to play with my nipples. In all seriousness, they're a beautiful celebration of the female form. [inside voice: BOOBIES!]
