Idle Talons

Markets, Smoke, and Samaras

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Tonight's Talent Artisans & Growers Market has been cancelled due to such poor air quality. 😔 We are hoping for improvement in time for next month's first Tuesday @Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market in Ashland!

Larkin has been re-stocking these wonderfully whimsical whirligigs... er, samaras. 😅 The first step is cutting the... wings? Leaves? Membranes? out of sheet metal, leaving behind some delightfully curled trimmings.

Then Larkin whacks the bejeezus out of them (tink tink tink all through the house for HOURS) to give them their unique texture and wooble.

Larkin then solders them to the seed framework and spines, oxidizes them, partially polishes by hand, and finally finishes the polish in a rotary polisher with stainless steel medium.

Larkin has been making these as clothing pins as well as necklaces, and is hoping to come up with a more double-sided finished product to use as a free-twirling earring design.