Idle Talons

Market Season Is Upon Us!

process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin is SO EXCITED to be returning to in-person markets at Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market this season! As in 2019, Idle Talons will be at the Ashland Armory every first Tuesday of the month from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm starting <eep!> next week. Our family did a bit of soul searching regarding safety, but RVGCM is an outdoor market and has a dedicated social distancing officer. Our experience as shoppers last year made us pretty comfortable with the level of masking and social distancing accomplished by this amazing group of organizers and vendors.

Today has been all about populating Larkin's product board-- we're loving how the cards with printing and the logo up the professional feel! First markets are always a little chilly and slow-- if you're local stop by and say hi next Tuesday!