Idle Talons


Owl Be Darned

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Another trip to the coast to get out of the wildfire smoke! Not a bad office view, eh?


Larkin is working on a design for a repeat customer at the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market who likes to get something special for his daughter every month. He was hoping for an owl next. What do you think, cute caricature on the left or essence-capturing line work on the right?


Speaking Of Books...

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Gah! This is the sweetest! This is the book Larkin showed in the live video this morning before it had been oxidized and polished! This is made entirely out of copper and brass sheet metal, plus silver solder. It is hollow, so quite lightweight.

The copper cover is textured to look like aged leather, and the brass name plates are polished bright. The texture of the pages was created by scoring brass sheet metal with a knife blade. And yes, that *is* a jaunty little bookmark.

It's tiny! Measures 3cm tall (including the bookmark), 2.3 cm wide, and 0.8 cm thick.


On Reading

musings, process, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

I’m not sure this will work, but I believe you can watch Larkin’s video at this link whether you are on Facebook or not:

Larkin works on a tree of life while talking about being a late reader and how books have made Idle Talons possible.

Applegate Jade Wrap

process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Here's another applegate jade piece that shows just how versatile that stone is! It's almost black in the shade, deep green in bright light, and translucent green when back-lit! Larkin cut this cab from a stone our family found and wrapped it in swoops and swirls of oxidized copper. The finished piece measures 4.4 cm long and 3.2 cm at its widest point.

This piece will be available starting Friday at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar, and if you visit the group at 11am Friday Larkin will be speaking a bit about how books and the written language have influenced Idle Talons!


Moss Agate Dragon Tail

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Inspired by a Facebook comment, Larkin created this dragon tail wrap! Larkin cut the distinctive moss agate cabochon from a slab gifted by a friend. The stone is partly transparent when back-lit, so Larkin kept the back simple to let the light shine through unhindered.

The inside of the frame and circlet holding it in place on back are argentium silver, and the spines and tail end are copper. Larkin hand-shaped the tail from sheet metal and fused it in place. The main join on the body of the wrap is also fused so the stone can sit flush against the wires. Measures 6.6 cm long and 4.2 cm at its widest point.

This piece will make its debut at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar this Friday! Tune in there for this and the story of how the evolution of Idle Talons would not have been possible without books!


Rose Drops and Books

fun, musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

... and the sort-of-companion earrings to yesterday's pendants are up on the website for the first time, too! It's so fun seeing the different colors jump out in oxidized silver.

On a slightly different note: Larkin has a book-themed bazaar coming up and is looking for ideas! Are decorative sheet metal bookmarks a thing? Are there specific fandoms you think might translate well into Larkin's style? A product we haven't thought of that might particularly suit readers and/or authors? The fun thing about throwing lots of ideas at Larkin is seeing the results for the ones that stick! ;)


Rose Wreaths

product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

These sweet vining rose pendants have been showcased only at special markets, and are finally available on the website! See these and all sorts of other goodies Larkin has been working on tomorrow at the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market! The Idle Talons booth will be set up from 8:30am-1:30pm at the Ashland Armory.


New Tree Of Life

venues, product, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

This is the finished piece Houdini the cat was helping with the other day! The background cab of this piece is cut from a stone we found while we were still learning what applegate jade looks like in the wild. We suspect this stone is a mixture of applegate jade, serpentine, and magnetite-- the raw stone is pictured here.

The mini moon cab is cut from local quartz and tangled in the branches of a tree of life. The frame and tree have been oxidized and polished.

This piece is currently exclusively available at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar, and will be on the Idle Talons website Monday if it survives. ;)


Market Season!

product, venues, processLarkin HamiltonComment

<Phew> Larkin is busy re-stocking for tomorrow's first Tuesday with the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market at the Ashland Armory from 8:30-1:30. Stop by the Idle Talons booth if you're in town! AND the next Royaboya Handmade Bazaar starts this Friday! Larkin is working hard on new wraps and hair sticks perfect for keeping cool this summer. It's an amazing line-up of vendors with everything from handmade eco-friendly laundry products to skin care, clothing, and fine art. Best of all, you know you're supporting small mom- and youth-owned businesses. This is a virtual market on Facebook, so join the group to get in on the fun, prizes, and amazing handmade products.


Inspiration Strikes

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Sometimes inspiration comes from some pretty odd places! The lid on a storage box in the Idle Talons bedroom/workshop has a pretty little scroll on its edge and Larkin translated it into wire.


We are thinking it would make a pretty gorgeous circlet/headband! I've been (somewhat selfishly) trying to talk Larkin into expanding into hair decorations, and look! A hair stick with those same delightful curls!


Scorched copper is so pretty, but isn't practical for most jewelry since it turns people green. Another point in favor of copper hair decorations! ;) Larkin is hoping to debut a collection of these lovelies next month in the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar-- we hope to virtually see you there!

A Banner!

fun, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's next in-person market booth is going to look so professional! This will make its debut at a Pride event in Grants Pass on the 25th, then appear at the first Tuesday RVGCM at the Ashland armory. Woot!


Clearance Items!

fun, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

One of the opportunities presented by online bazaars is the ability to present some fun pieces that never made it to be final products. There is nothing wrong with these items-- they are practice pieces, discontinued designs, or prototypes of designs Larkin later finalized.

These are Larkin's clearance boards for the upcoming Royaboya Handmade Bazaar. Join the Facebook group any time, sales start this Friday morning!

Moonstone Curls

musings, venues, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's latest wrap, spring flowers edition! This purchased moonstone cab has a gorgeous blue-green-peach flash and is framed in argentium silver with a combo of weaving and fusing. The tail curls are hammered and gleaming. Perfect for spring!

Pictured (in order) with: grape hyacinth, rosemary, shooting stars, and houndstongue. This wrap will be making it's debut next Friday at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar!

Copper Shrooms

fun, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin got distracted while making eensy weensy mushrooms and turned out a few of these merely eensy mushrooms. Each is sculpted from solid copper and are heavier than you might expect from their diminutive size!

These sweet fungus dangles will be available starting next Friday at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar!
