Larkin has been having a hard time keeping these copper-veined leaves in stock, and I can see why! These are hitting the shop today. Clockwise from top left: applegate jade, red jasper/agate, grossular garnet, applegate jade, red jasper. All found locally and cut, polished, and wrapped by Larkin!
Silver Fox
product, processCommentA customer saw the fox and loved it, but wanted it done in bright silver! This wrap will be on its way to its new home tomorrow.
Amphibious Kambaba Jasper
product, musingsCommentThrow back... Friday? This piece has a soft spot in my heart. The stone is a purchased kambaba jasper cabochon. I think it looks like it's held in by froggy fingers, and I swear that's Kermit's silhouette on the back! Some people have said it reminds them of the painting "The Scream" and I can definitely see that too (although it's harder to explain Kermit's presence). Someday, this piece will find its perfect person who loves the amphibious whimsey... or perhaps someone who is a big Edvard Munch fan... or maybe someone who is dying for an excuse to work "kambaba jasper" into more conversations (go ahead, say it-- it's fun!).
Quartz Moon Fox
product, process, musingsCommentLarkin finished this locally found quartz cabochon with a matte polish to capture the soft glow of the moon. It is a rough, crystalline structure, and while you might not be able to see it with the naked eye, the cab does have some pocking/texture if you run your fingernail over the surface.
The adorable fox kit and its frame are constructed from copper wire which has been oxidized and polished. Idle Talons hereby formally acknowledges the customer’s right to see this as a wolf cub if desired. ;)
Now That's Foxy
process, product, musingsCommentLarkin has been playing with copper solder again and these little foxes are my new favorite thing. I dare anyone to hold the baby fox in their palm and not lapse into baby talk. Background is a wet hunk of applegate jade (hello rain, old friend!). I included a penny for scale and it may be a bit of a spoiler for what Larkin has in mind next…
Sales Magic!
musings, process, product, venuesCommentIt's a bit odd having items disappear from a brick and mortar store without Larkin even being present-- we usually get a chance to say goodbye to each piece! These two wraps found their homes today-- lots more still available to see in person at Dragon Crystals! Larkin got a sales notification while socializing our chicks-- it seems to be working! 😂
Mother's Day Commission
musings, process, productCommentThose of you who have been around for awhile may remember when Larkin and Emile pulled this giant stone up a very steep and muddy bank. It turned out to be a pretty nice deep green chunk of serpentine. Here is Larkin's mother's day commission for a wrap using this stone. The customer requested a frame that complemented the stone without any wires going across the face.
Unexpected Treasure
process, product, musingsCommentLarkin's having a machine day! Shaping and polishing a cabochon for a Mother's Day custom order, plus a few more leaf cabs since those keep disappearing. :) On a hike up our empty rural road yesterday, Larkin spotted some promising stones in the road cut. Seeing the polished end is enough to encourage us to go back and see if there's more! We're not sure what it is-- it's translucent like agate, but seems softer than agate. Looking forward to consulting the experts at the rock shop!
Artist Of The Month
product, venues, process, musingsCommentIdle Talons was named May's artist of the month at Dragon Crystals, our local rock and gem shop! This was made official several months ago, and of course timing could have been better given... well, the pandemic. They are open, so stop by if you're local and would like to see some of Larkin's work in person! Please observe social distancing and wear a mask. It was a fun challenge deciding on layout and which pieces to include in their display case, and a brick-and-mortar display feels like a bit of a milestone!
Shipping Day!
product, processCommentAll these lovelies are now out for shipment or delivery! There's still time to get in on the action-- use the discount code MOTHER for 10% off all purchases until Mother's Day. :) (And no, your eyes don't deceive you-- there is a single earring in one order for a previous customer who lost one of a pair!)
Mother's Day Sale
venues, product, musingsCommentHi folks! We know we have been a bit quiet lately-- isolation is taking its toll on this extroverted teen. Larkin does have a special offer for Facebook followers, though! Now until Mother's Day, Larkin is offering 10% off all purchases with the coupon code MOTHER. If you happen to be local (generally between Central Point and Ashland) we're also offering free no-contact delivery before Mother's Day with the code LOCAL. It's a good time to get something to beautify your time in isolation if you've been on the fence.
Rose Stud Earrings
process, productCommentLarkin's first stud earrings! These sweet rose studs are formed from 20 gauge argentium silver wire, shaped and fused into a leafy bloom. Thanks to Larkin's younger brother, Finn, for lending his lovely lobes and locks to our photo shoot.
Spring Office Hours
process, product, musingsCommentHere's a view of the ever-changing Idle Talons workshop today! Amid the wildflowers and dirt from the hobbit-hole-under-construction, Larkin is working on these elegantly understated silver leaves.
Speaking Of Dragons...
product, musingsCommentMeet Puff, the latest dragon in the Idle Talons menagerie! Glistening green scales, silver spines, amazing wing veining and details. <sigh> I want to keep them all!
Dragon Eyes!
product, processCommentNew dragon eyes going up tomorrow! So much variety and character.
Red Jasper Flame
product, musingsCommentLarkin cut this cabochon from a very striking piece of red jasper found by our family in southern Oregon. The shape and color of the cab, combined with the style of the copper wire wrap, evoke the feeling of a flame. Historically, red jasper has been associated with vibrancy and endurance, worn by warriors and those who wish to champion justice. Today, it is more commonly viewed as a grounding stone, promoting connection to the earth. No matter your view, this piece is a gorgeous talisman!
Compass Rose With Amazonite
product, musingsCommentThis compass rose is crafted from pure argentium silver which has been hammered and fused. Larkin uses a torch to form each solid sphere. At its heart is a faceted bead made of amazonite, a stone said to represent truth, hope and luck. Who among us couldn’t use more of those these days?
Custom Gallifreyan Pendants
musings, productCommentWhovians rejoice! These Gallifreyan pendants can be made for any word up to seven letters in length. Pictured, starting at the bottom and working clockwise (because that’s how you read Gallifreyan), are TARDIS, dalek, angel, and doctor. The possibilities are endless! We like the idea of couples/friends sets where one is “spoiler” and the other “sweetie” or “timey” paired with “wimey!”
Size will vary slightly depending on the length of the word, but they are generally about the size of a quarter. Larkin crafts each piece by shaping and fusing argentium silver wire.
Beaded Medallions
musings, process, productCommentBeading was Larkin's first creative love. I went into craft stores asking about beads for my 3-year-old and they'd point me towards buckets of giant plastic monstrosities. I quickly learned to ask for seed beads! While Idle Talons has moved more towards stone and wire work, Larkin still loves beading. These medallion pendants are intricately mesmerizing!
Lapis Planet
fun, process, productCommentLarkin cut and polished this gleaming blue cabochon from a small slab of lapis lazuli gifted from a fellow rockhound at the rock shop. Wrapped in gleaming argentium silver rings that match shining flecks in the stone, this piece is truly stellar! (See what I did there?)
Just for fun, the second picture is a visual pun representing a well-known song title... can you guess it?