Idle Talons


The Cab In The Slab

process, fun, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

This is a cab Larkin cut from a piece of Applegate jade our family found. It's placed in the section of the slab it came from. It's amazing to see how different the dry stone looks from the polished final product! The lighter green areas are quite translucent, the darker areas more opaque. Larkin is envisioning a wrap evoking a stormy sea for this one.


Product Board

musings, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

The Idle Talons product board is ever-evolving. This is where Larkin puts new designs, experiments that will probably never be repeated because they were so time-consuming (but fun and educational!), and long-time customer favorites. This is how it shaped up for today's event at Scienceworks. You're missing out if you haven't checked out the booth in person.


More Rocks, Please!

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Another day at the rock shop, another handful of gorgeous cabochons to play with! Also made an exploratory cut into a big piece of Applegate jade that has us pretty excited! The jade is pictured held by Idle Talons' beta minion, Larkin's dad. From left to right, the cabs are banded calcite, strawberry calcite, lapis lazuli, and lace agate.


Charoite In Silver

product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

This is a purchased charoite cabochon that Larkin wrapped in argentium silver. Charoite is a beautiful stone found only near the Chara River in Russia, said to be very soothing and bring physical healing to its wearer. Better yet, it is said to invite magic into one's life-- this wrap definitely has a whimsical, magical feel!


Owl Be Darned (Well, Beaded)

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

I (Larkin's mum/Idle Talons' minion-in-chief) was sitting watching Larkin make these sweet little owl charms and learned the story of how the pattern was developed. Apparently, when Larkin was 9 or 10, there was a popular Minecraft server that hosted 5 minute speed-build challenges. At some point the challenge was to create an owl, and Larkin won the round. The build translated well into beads and a pattern was born!


Smoked Out

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin came home the night that smoke from the latest wildfire rolled into our home valley, so we immediately got in the car and headed for the clean air of the coast. Larkin has started work on the very first silver Idle Talons wrap, with a gorgeous studio view courtesy of the grandparents (that’s cool, glorious fog, not wildfire smoke).


More Dragon Eyes Are Here!

product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

The Idle Talons tech support team has been not-entirely-idle while Larkin is traveling. ;) The dragon eyes sell so briskly at local markets we've been a bit lazy about listing them all. Recognizing this isn't fair to our far-flung audience we've put them all together in one listing and included every one that is currently ready to ship. There is so much variety it's hard to choose a favorite!


Learning Curve

musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

We know we've been quiet lately. This has been Larkin's first full market season and it has been a learning experience for the whole Idle Talons team! It turns out restocking is very time consuming and slows down the process of coming up with new designs. Larkin has received quite a few custom commissions which are always fun and challenging. Also, it turns out there's some value in enjoying being 14. ;) Larkin has some international travel planned in the next month and then is looking forward to focusing on more Idle Talons design work!

Leveling Up!

musings, processLarkin Hamilton

This week, Larkin got samples of three of the most common kinds of silver wire used in jewelry making: argentium, sterling, and fine. Larkin preferred working with the argentium silver (naturally the most expensive option🙄) which also has the advantage of being slower to tarnish than the other two. Larkin has been saving some favorite cabochons that seem better suited to a silver wrap than copper— It must be time to place a larger order and see what comes next!


Stormy Weather

product, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

This piece is cut from a stone found by our family near our home in southern Oregon. Jasper and agate combine to paint a striking landscape in stone, which Larkin framed, cut and polished. Whether you see fields, forest or ocean, the copper wire wrap portends an oncoming storm. This cabochon was cut from a small stone (pictured) so there may never be another like it!


Kelp Fronds On Plume Agate

product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

It is interesting how many stones seem to inspire water imagery! Larkin cut and polished this stone from a purchased slab of plume agate. The red dendrites of the moss agate surround a druzy pocket of glistening crystal. The stone evokes an underwater ocean scene, matched by the wire fronds of kelp climbing the frame.
