Idle Talons


A Banner!

fun, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's next in-person market booth is going to look so professional! This will make its debut at a Pride event in Grants Pass on the 25th, then appear at the first Tuesday RVGCM at the Ashland armory. Woot!


Rock Shop Day!

fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Rock shop day! Larkin was pretty thrilled to be back in the machine shop after a fairly long hiatus. Slabbed up some recent finds with pretty amazing results, rough cut some cabs, and cut some amazonite for a special request for knob pulls. Lots of inspiration for new pretties!


Clearance Items!

fun, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

One of the opportunities presented by online bazaars is the ability to present some fun pieces that never made it to be final products. There is nothing wrong with these items-- they are practice pieces, discontinued designs, or prototypes of designs Larkin later finalized.

These are Larkin's clearance boards for the upcoming Royaboya Handmade Bazaar. Join the Facebook group any time, sales start this Friday morning!

Copper Shrooms

fun, process, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin got distracted while making eensy weensy mushrooms and turned out a few of these merely eensy mushrooms. Each is sculpted from solid copper and are heavier than you might expect from their diminutive size!

These sweet fungus dangles will be available starting next Friday at the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar!


Mad Scientist!

musings, process, funLarkin HamiltonComment

More new mad scientist toys... just look at that grin!


Larkin has been saving every little wire trimming scrap for the last few years for this very moment. ;)


Yesterday, the crucibles arrived, and after seasoning/glazing were ready for their inaugural copper melting. Here is the unused crucible (it's being saved for silver) with the amazingly colorful patina left in the one used for copper.


These little blobules (I'm pretty sure that's the technical term...) are the results of pouring melted copper into a bucket of water. Some of them turn out like perfect abstract little sculptures, and Larkin is thinking of adding a jump ring to favorites to make fun charms. The others can be re-melted and shaped into sheet metal and wire for more intentional jewelry work.


And here is Larkin in full protective gear-- welcome to the glamorous world of fine jewelry making!


Rolling Mill!

fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

A new toy arrived today! Larkin's latest acquisition is this rolling wire mill. It had to be fully disassembled, cleaned, oiled, reassembled, and tested before we figured out that one of the pieces was the mirror image of what it needed to be for the rollers to sit flush. Soooo... drill press to the rescue! Larkin added holes in the right position and is now happily squishing metal.

We experimented with getting leaf prints on sheet metal (they're there, but fainter than hoped) and made the world's unhappiest clump of lichen in the process. This little powerhouse can also turn round wire into square, triangular, or half-round wire, can make comfort bands for rings, and has several patterned rollers. Can't wait to see where this leads!

Back To Work!

fun, musings, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

<Whew!> Larkin and the Idle Talon minions needed a bit of a break after last weekend's extremely fun and successful bazaar! Larkin came up with these sweet little heart charms as raffle prizes-- pretty perfect for a certain upcoming holiday! ;) Each heart is constructed from a single wire, with a dot of solder at the join for reinforcement.


Happy Inauguration Day!

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Hi everyone, this is Larkin. I don't do as much beading as I used to, but in honor of the inauguration and anticipation of less hostility towards LGBTQ+ folks from the incoming administration I thought I would post these. I never found any techniques online for making a beaded flag that I was happy with, so it was particularly satisfying to work out this pattern (using an expanding and decreasing brick stitch) to make pride flags.


"Studio" Space

fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's room is looking more and more like a jewelry studio all the time, full of glorious, creative chaos! Larkin was hoping to get more rock work done today, but came in with frozen fingers. So a pivot to silver smithing play... with copper. Is that a thing? Does anyone talk about copper smithing? This kind of metal work is a pretty new trick and I'm excited to see what comes of it!


Free Gift With Next Website Purchase!

product, venues, funLarkin HamiltonComment

UPDATE: the free gift has been claimed. :)

Free surprise gift with the next purchase here at! Perhaps Larkin will make it a little something with a Valentine's theme... We are SO excited to finally have this complete set of packaging/presentation materials! Larkin's Idle Talons business cards arrived today (woot!), we have fancy schmancy boxes for wraps, fancy schmancy product cards for everything else, and a thermal printer for shipping labels! These are all shipping out today... don't *you* want some happy mail?


Royaboya Handmade Bazaar

fun, musings, product, venuesLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin has participated twice in the Royaboya Handmade Bazaar on-line market now, and it is hands-down the most fun, best run small business on-line market we've participated in (as a vendor and as shoppers!). Lots of games and prizes, you get to know the real people behind the small businesses you're supporting, there's an amazing young musician performing one evening, and more!

Larkin was thrilled to be invited back so please, if you haven't already, join the group and get in on the fun! Larkin is planning some Idle Talons goodies that will be available only at the Bazaar, including new products and live videos. Hope to see you there! :)


Double-Sided Cabs

fun, process, product, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin braved the cold of our rock shop (okay, okay... it's a tent... without heat... and all rock work is done in water) for a couple of hours today and turned out these new double-sided cabs. These are domed and polished on both faces, with a hole drilled sideways through the top so they can be hung on a cord. Top: serpentine; bottom left: chert; bottom right: some kind of funky orbicular jasper from who-knows-where that should obviously be worn by someone with a penchant for pizza.


Leaves! (not for you!)

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin's grandma had put in a request for first rights of refusal to the next batch of leaves. She saw these and wanted them all. From left to right: red jasper, applegate jade, and what we think is applegate jade with some super striking impurities. So, I guess what I came here to say is: aren't these pretty? You can't have them! Larkin should have more done in the next few days. If you’re a leaf fan, these tend to sell extremely quickly! If you’re not lucky enough to be Larkin’s grandma, we highly recommend you follow us on Facebook at where we usually give fans a first chance to purchase before listing here. :)


Rockhounding Success!

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

We broke in 2021 with a close-to-home rockhounding trip today! Found some gorgeous jaspers and agates and petrified wood (oh my!). One chunk of petrified wood is the size of Larkin's head and has agate veining and druzy pockets! It's the kind of specimen that makes it hard to decide whether to cut it up...


fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Amongst all the other holiday hoopla, Larkin had a quiet 16th birthday on Dec. 24! A brand new drill press has been tested on wood, but this week has been a wee bit chilly to get it set up with water to drill stone. Hopefully it shall fulfill it's destiny soon-- we're looking forward to seeing what this kid creates in the new year!
