Larkin entered a cabochon into the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society monthly contest for the first time and won! It's hard to get a good picture through the case, but this is a piece cut from a slab of local Applegate jade. Larkin has a leaf wrap planned for the cab, but it will be on display at Crater Rock Museum through November so the wrap will have to wait! The prize includes some free machine time (more cabs!) and means that the next cabochon Larkin submits will be considered at intermediate level. Woot!
Market Tomorrow
venues, funCommentIdle Talons will be at the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society - RAGMS Holiday Market tomorrow, 11/2, from 10am - 4pm at Crater Rock Museum in Central Point. If you're local and love rocks it's the place to be! Free museum admission all day.
Halloween Hiatus, Final Installment
funCommentSomehow the Halloween Hiatus wasn't timed quite right for a full retrospective, and it turns out our <cough> historical photographer wasn't quite as reliable when the kids were younger. Here's a quick montage, including 8-year-old Hermione with sidekicks Harry and a very strict McGonagall, 7- & 5-year-old sibling Ben 10 costumes, 5-year-old Princess Larkin with Uncle Court Sorcerer, and 3-year-old Larkin's first trick-or-treating costume in 2008 ("fairy witch"). And, because I got shamelessly swept up in nostalgia, I also included a picture from Larkin's very first Halloween in 2005. Idle Talons wishes you all a wonderful holiday!
Halloween Hiatus, Day 5
funCommentAnother favorite from Avatar: The Last Airbender! In 2014 9-year-old Larkin (pre-haircut!) dressed up as Katara, the water bender. I had to include a picture of the back because I was so proud of the hairstyle duplication. Guest appearance by Larkin's little brother-- pay no attention to the haunted eyes staring out of the Minecraft pig head...
Halloween Hiatus, Day 4
funCommentDay four takes us to 2015 when 10-year-old Larkin dressed up as Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Spoiler alert: we seem to be getting closer to this year's costume as we travel back in time...
Halloween Hiatus, Day 3
funCommentDay 3 brings us back to 2016! For those of you who are not Doctor Who fans: yes, 11-year-old Larkin wanted to be a statue for Halloween. For everyone else: don't blink! (Second image is a picture of a Doctor Who weeping angel as reference.)
Halloween Hiatus, Day 2
funCommentHere is Larkin (age 12) in 2017, dressed as Sir Alanna the Lioness (from Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books), complete with signature gold-washed chain mail, coat of arms, amethyst drop earrings, and trusty sword Lightning.
Halloween Hiatus, Day One
funCommentSince costume construction has almost entirely trumped jewelry making this week, I (acting as Idle Talon's Media Office Manager-- check out the acronym, M.O.M., I'm feeling pretty clever) thought it would be fun to check out Larkin's over-the-top costumes of years past. The first installment is from 2018: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind-- a studio Ghibli fantasy animation.
Current Status: Barely Controlled Chaos
process, product, funCommentAnticipation builds.
And Now For Something Completely Different...
funCommentYou may have noticed that your regularly scheduled jewelry posts have been suspended due to impending need of costume. This wizard nerdling does nothing the easy way! Usual programming will commence shortly.
Audrey II Drops
fun, productCommentAudrey II drops! You may recall the name for these curling vine-like beauties was inspired by the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. Now in silver or copper, with faceted red glass or carnelian drops.
fun, musingsComment
If you give a jeweler some almonds to milk... chances are they’ll want to rig up a whole efficient system, complete with fancy copper scroll attachment.
Put A Ring On It!
fun, process, musingsCommentLarkin’s first crack at braided copper rings! We plan on wear-testing them for a while to see how the oxidized copper does up against skin.
The Cab In The Slab
process, fun, musingsCommentThis is a cab Larkin cut from a piece of Applegate jade our family found. It's placed in the section of the slab it came from. It's amazing to see how different the dry stone looks from the polished final product! The lighter green areas are quite translucent, the darker areas more opaque. Larkin is envisioning a wrap evoking a stormy sea for this one.
Copper Doodles!
fun, musings, process, productCommentToday's copper doodles! Sometimes these are destined for the product board, sometimes they are further refined to finished products, and sometimes they're never spoken of again.
And Now For Something Completely Different...
funCommentWhile Idle Talons has many works in stone, wire, and beads, any materials will do in a pinch! While visiting grandparents, Larkin created this sculpture from brother hair, thread, whiffle balls, and improvised wire tools.
More Rocks, Please!
fun, musings, process, productCommentAnother day at the rock shop, another handful of gorgeous cabochons to play with! Also made an exploratory cut into a big piece of Applegate jade that has us pretty excited! The jade is pictured held by Idle Talons' beta minion, Larkin's dad. From left to right, the cabs are banded calcite, strawberry calcite, lapis lazuli, and lace agate.
Next Market!
venues, product, funCommentThe next Idle Talons market is this Friday-- the final Talent Artisans & Growers Market of the season! Come see what Larkin and the other vendors have been up to, partake in some food truck goodness, and enjoy the live music 5:30-dusk by the skate park.
Eye Of The Beholder
fun, venuesCommentThe best spontaneous comment from a customer at yesterday's market was prompted by the dragon eyes: "Ooooh, those are freaky! It'd be fun to wear them to jail!"
They weren't planning on providing any more context, but their mortified friend explained that they work as a prison nurse.
Beads Shall Dance
process, fun, musingsCommentLarkin went a little wild at the big Dancing Beads (our local bead shop) sale this weekend. Let the gleeful plotting and designing begin!