Idle Talons


All Polished Up And Somewhere To Go

process, funLarkin HamiltonComment

Cabochons from today's trip to the rock shop! Larkin has been so lucky to have people offer up stones and slabs for trade or gift. The two cabs on the left with the agatized shells are made of something known as "Turritella Agate" (see for more info), the red and black asymmetric drop is mahogany obsidian, the three mossy blue/green ones are moss agate, and the round red and black one is jasper from Larkin’s grandparents’ place in Humboldt County.


Owl Be Darned (Well, Beaded)

fun, musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

I (Larkin's mum/Idle Talons' minion-in-chief) was sitting watching Larkin make these sweet little owl charms and learned the story of how the pattern was developed. Apparently, when Larkin was 9 or 10, there was a popular Minecraft server that hosted 5 minute speed-build challenges. At some point the challenge was to create an owl, and Larkin won the round. The build translated well into beads and a pattern was born!


Smoked Out

fun, process, musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin came home the night that smoke from the latest wildfire rolled into our home valley, so we immediately got in the car and headed for the clean air of the coast. Larkin has started work on the very first silver Idle Talons wrap, with a gorgeous studio view courtesy of the grandparents (that’s cool, glorious fog, not wildfire smoke).


On The Road

product, process, funLarkin HamiltonComment

One more week until Larkin gets home! Even while traveling Larkin’s tools are never far from hand— I can’t wait to see this wrap in person and polished up. The cab is cut from an opalized piece of petrified wood our family found. Bonus picture of Larkin on a ferry, mostly for hair appreciation.


That's A Wrap!

product, funLarkin HamiltonComment

This piece was Larkin's final commission before a break for travel, purchased for a recent graduate embarking on a career in a health-care related profession. With a few exceptions for items always in stock, any orders placed now will ship after the 25th. Thank you for understanding!


Comic Con Is A Wrap!

venues, funLarkin HamiltonComment

<Whew!> It was a long, very successful weekend at Comic Con for Idle Talons-- having a booth staffed by Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind didn't hurt! Larkin plans to buckle down to replenishing stock and will be making and wrapping some new cabochons in the coming weeks.


Oh, For The Love Of Rocks!

fun, processLarkin HamiltonComment

On the way to the coast, we stopped at a spot where we hoped to find some Applegate jade. The river was about 200 feet below the road, much of which was a *very* steep bank. The first picture really doesn't do justice to the distance or steepness of the bank. These two found a giant hunk of rock that looked like it was largely Applegate jade and flung/shoved/hurled/dragged it all the way up to the car with minimal bloodshed. Back in civilization, it turns out it weighs about 50 pounds! It cleans up beautifully (the humans looked better after a good scrub, too)... we can't wait to see slabs (of the stone, not the humans)!


Lapidary Punster

funLarkin HamiltonComment

Our family has been on-again-off-again members at a local rock climbing gym, so the phrase "rock gym" rolls off the tongue very easily. After Jenny (Larkin’s mum) had called the rock shop the rock gym approximately 1,539 times, she thought she could save it at the last minute: "Larkin is at the rock gym... you know, where rocks go to get in shape."

Rock Hounding!

fun, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Took a brief break from market prep yesterday to join in on a field trip with the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society. Found lots of agate and petrified wood and can’t wait to see how it polishes up! (Foreground of second picture has a colander just out of the rock tumbler.)


Snow Day

funLarkin HamiltonComment

To dispel any rumors that Idle Talons works only in jewelry, check out this sibling snow collaboration! Unipig? Porcicorn?