Idle Talons

The Legend Of Froon

fun, musings, productLarkin HamiltonComment

[Today we are introducing Larkin's latest piece with a guest post from Larkin's grandpa Jim. Jim has never actually been on social media but is pretty confident that he knows what the people want. 😉]

Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a small furry froon. As you know, froons are friendly creatures and normally live together in underground communal groups, often in caves where precious jewels abound, and decorated with secret, precious treasures. Froons are very observant, and often find such treasures in hidden forest glens, caverns, and dragon nests.

But, this froon had traveled far from their homeland in search of arcane knowledge and adventure. It was now too old to travel back to its homeland. It settled in a cave hidden in a remote corner of the shire. The froon made friends with many hobbits. It was particularly enchanted with Bilbo's magnificent home, and in particular Bilbo's fine entrance.

Crafting a comparable door for his home was sadly beyond the froon, for while his imagination was unbounded, his craftsmanship was limited by age. When his friends, the roly polys, discovered the froon's longing for an artisanal entrance, they pitched in to create a charming, vine-covered edifice, both useful and inspiring. The door was created in ancient wood, surrounded by silver vines. It was soon renowned throughout the shire, and even beyond, with rapt stories of the door told by adventurers in far lands.

From the mists of time and legend, Larkin has created a facsimile of the legendary froon entrance, using petrified wood (rumored to be part of the original froon creation) and sterling silver. The diligent roly-poly craftspeople are depicted as well, proudly showing their handiwork.