Idle Talons

Pine Needle Bracelet

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Pine needles have featured large in Larkin's childhood! Wandering the woods around our home, wee Larkin braided clusters of ponderosa pine needles to make ephemeral jewelry, crafted individual needles into tiny baskets, and generally admired them for their contradictory combination of pokey-punk-rock-appeal and malleability. 🌲

Larkin hasn't finalized design details for this bracelet yet, but we couldn't wait to share the prototype!

It was only a matter of time before Larkin set out to design something that captured that compelling pine needle charm! Each bracelet is composed of a single ponderosa pine fascicle (the fancy word for a bundle of pine needles that I thought I'd casually throw in here as if I didn't just learn it via Google...😅). Each needle in this hand-crafted sterling silver bracelet has that unique pine needle shape-- one side slightly domed, the other featuring an almost-triangular ridge down the middle. Larkin roughly dust-textured the fascicle sheath (yup, looked that up, too) to create a remarkable facsimile of its natural counterpart.

These days, healthy pine trees are few and far between in the forests around our southern Oregon home. The trees of Larkin's childhood have been weakened by near-constant drought conditions, making them easy pickings for the western pine beetle. These bracelets are a poignant reminder of our changing landscape.