Idle Talons

New Tree Hair/Clothing Clips

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Larkin has a hard time keeping these unique tree hair/clothing clips around, but we just added these three! 🌳🌳🌳

These are a great example of the way Larkin works with metal! Part of the reason Larkin is so fond of hand-fabrication is because it allows them to work *with* the metal, rather than mold it into a specific form. They always protest having to sound woo-woo describing their process, but when forming these branches they let the wire go where it "wants" to go, which changes depending on the exact shape of the frame and length of wire. They are not a fan of "forcing" metal into some pre-conceived shape they have in their head.

Even Larkin's repeatable pieces that turn out remarkably uniform were designed with this in mind-- they have found that wires of a certain length and gauge are easily manipulated into a treble clef (for example... spoiler, there's a reason these are on my mind this week!), and depending on how sheet metal disks are soldered together they will naturally curl into different isopod poses. In my totally unbiased opinion 😏 this partnership with the metal is part of the reason Larkin's work has such a natural flow and feel.

The result is that no two tree hair clips are identical! These are all what we've dubbed size Large-- best for folks with thicker hair or as a striking fastener for a shawl or cloak.