Idle Talons

Workshop Tinkering

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Multi-tasking in action! We briefly moved Larkin's genie set-up into the kitchen to more easily make adjustments to improve its ergonomic design. After lots of machine height shimming, wrist-rest bumper experimentation, and creative seat height adjustment, we believe we've found a set-up that minimizes shoulder/neck/back/elbow fatigue. Now all we need is to build a workbench the right height outside. And a proper-height stool (no, the footstool + folding chair is not the final set-up). Okay, and maybe a well-insulated workshop with big windows and a heater... but one improvement at a time!

In the midst of all these adjustments, Larkin turned out some new cabs... with an obviously biased color palette. The top row is two round applegate jade cabs (the larger one! *swoon*) and a blue/green chert destined to be a leaf pendant. The chert has a distinctive band through its center that is almost purple. The bottom row is an applegate jade marquise cab, a double-sided applegate jade cab with a hole for a cord drilled sideways through the tip, and a serpentine cab that Larkin plans on making into a leaf.
