Idle Talons

New Leaves!

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

Amidst all the recent exciting publicity, Larkin has been hard at work! Larkin rough cuts each of these stone leaves into its unique shape, then grinds and polishes the domed cabs to shiny perfection. A small hand-filed score at the tip of each leaf ensures the surrounding wires stay in place. Larkin then individually sculpts the stems and veins from copper wire and solder, pickles the result to cleanse it of any torch scorches, secures it to the intended leaf, dips the piece in liver of sulphur to oxidize it dark, and polishes to gleaming.

Each leaf is unique in more ways than one-- I've never seen another jeweler make anything like these! I think a fan said it best when they proclaimed these lovelies as "a pendant any hobbit would be proud to receive from Galadriel."