Idle Talons

Autumn Leaves!

musings, process, productLarkin HamiltonComment

These leaves seem especially timely as the forest around us has started (finally!) looking like autumn! These are probably the last batch of leaves Larkin will have done in time for the winter holidays-- fair warning if you happen to be looking for gorgeous hand-made gifts. ;)

A - red jasper

B - applegate jade

C - grossular garnet

D - red jasper

E - applegate jade

F - mahogany obsidian

G - chert

H - dark green jasper

I - applegate jade (with rind)

K - moss agate

L - red jasper

M - applegate jade

N - red jasper

Random reminder: applegate jade often appears quite dark, but is a deep green stone, remarkably translucent when back-lit!
