This stone is cut from a piece of serpentine, locally known as Applegate Jade, in this case found by our family along Altman Creek. Larkin cut and polished the cabochon, then wrapped it in a tree that looks remarkably like some of the old oaks in the area the stone came from! The details in this piece are especially remarkable given its small size! I included some progress photos because it's always interesting how the chaotic beginnings of a tree of life are given structure.
All About That Treble
productCommentThese graceful treble clefs are now available in copper or argentium silver, with or without a decorative glass bead. These were favorites of market customers last season, and sure to delight any music lover!
Van Duzen Jasper Sunburst
musings, process, productCommentHappy New Year from Idle Talons! This is a yellow agatized jasper stone our family found along the Van Duzen River in northern California. Larkin cut and polished the cabochon and wrapped it in a dazzling copper sunburst. May it be a harbinger of the brighter days ahead!
Ring Progress
product, process, musingsCommentLarkin has been wanting to work on rings for a long time, and the new torch set-up (plus a professional-grade ring mandrel!) has opened up a lot of possibilities. Larkin is thinking about putting these sweet silver roses on a slightly larger (and maybe hammered) band before calling the design complete. Oxidizing silver is still new and fun, too-- the rosy glow on this piece is a happy coincidence!
New Dragon Eyes
product, processCommentNew dragon eyes up today! Top to bottom, left to right the background images are: light from a distant galaxy, surgeonfish scales, sunlight captured underwater, and a close-up of our sun's corona. The glowing imagery and Larkin's fine beadwork really make them come to life!
product, process, musingsCommentOne of Larkin's new toys is a bona fide jeweler's torch, which gives a very precise heat source for fine solder joins. This brings us to a very important question: are there likely to be folks who frequent farmers markets that won't be able to resist a snail family charm necklace?
Lapis Breeze
process, productCommentAfter some time off, Larkin has been anxious to get back to wire work! This lapis lazuli cabochon was cut and polished from a slab gifted to Larkin by a fellow stone aficionado at the rock shop. The wrapped, hammered, and polished silver frame beautifully highlights the gleaming specks in the brilliant stone!
fun, process, productCommentNever fear, I have been assigned homework while Larkin gallivants about Europe! ;) We've heard customers call these beaded beauties everything from sea shells or fairy tunnels to purses. Now in a few more popular colors, lovely by any name.
Bonus shot of Larkin at the top of the Eiffel Tower!
A Handful Of Beaded Baubles!
fun, product, processCommentAuthor Appreciation Project
fun, musings, process, productCommentThe author of one of Larkin's very favorite web comics/graphic novel series is doing a signing, and Larkin made this charm necklace as a fan gift. The leaves, hearts and stars are the interstitial doodles the author uses around frames and between chapters, translated into wire.
<replacing my admin hat with my parent hat> Larkin is feeling very hesitant/self-conscious about giving this gift at the signing. I maintain that this is the kind of fan interaction that will make an author's day (if not month!) and Larkin should include an Idle Talons card with the gift. Please leave an encouraging comment telling Larkin how right I am (😂) if you feel so inclined.
The series is Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, and is an almost impossibly sweet coming-of-age/romance/coming out story. Highly recommended if you need more warm fuzzies in your life.
To Patina Or Not To Patina
musings, fun, process, productCommentLarkin is working to make more designs available in silver as well as copper, and we'd love your input! The pair of earrings on the left is bright, polished silver. The pair on the right has been patinaed then polished. Should Idle Talons make both available? Do you think one would me more popular than the other?
Idle Talons works with argentium silver, an alloy that contains a higher percentage of elemental silver than sterling, and replaces some of the copper content with germanium which makes it more tarnish resistant than any other silver alloy.
Hail That Cab!
process, product, funCommentLarkin entered a cabochon into the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society monthly contest for the first time and won! It's hard to get a good picture through the case, but this is a piece cut from a slab of local Applegate jade. Larkin has a leaf wrap planned for the cab, but it will be on display at Crater Rock Museum through November so the wrap will have to wait! The prize includes some free machine time (more cabs!) and means that the next cabochon Larkin submits will be considered at intermediate level. Woot!
Amethyst Roses
musings, process, productCommentLarkin cut and polished this amethyst cabochon from a slab shard, then framed it with copper roses and faceted amethyst beads. The result was stunning, came out of the polisher late last night and was sold at today's market before 10am! The Idle Talons photographer didn't even have time for proper glamour shots!
Strawberry Calcite
process, productCommentThis strawberry calcite cabochon was cut from a small piece of stone gifted from a fellow enthusiast at the rock shop. Calcite takes a polish beautifully and is a relatively soft stone so these copper swoops were buffed by hand rather than put through the tumbling polisher. A very elegant wrap!
Blue Moon
product, musings, processCommentIt is somehow appropriate that this piece was finished on Halloween Day! The large cabochon is shaped from a blue aventurine stone gifted from a friend. The moon is from an agate/opal stone found by our family, tangled in the gnarled branches of a copper tree. The whole piece is surrounded by a frame incorporating luminescent mother of pearl beads. Truly the kind of piece that comes along only once in a blue moon!
Current Status: Barely Controlled Chaos
process, product, funCommentAnticipation builds.
Simple Custom Wrap
process, product, musingsCommentAnother custom commission! A customer brought Larkin this rough stone with sentimental value and wanted a simple wrap with spirals. It's a much more 3-dimensional stone than the cabs Larkin usually works with. We think it's fluorite-- catches the light beautifully!
Audrey II Drops
fun, productCommentAudrey II drops! You may recall the name for these curling vine-like beauties was inspired by the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. Now in silver or copper, with faceted red glass or carnelian drops.
Banded Calcite Curls
productCommentBanded calcite cabochon that Larkin cut and polished from a slab. Wrapped with swoops and curls of copper which has been oxidized and polished.
Striped Mystery Stone
musings, product, processCommentLarkin found this slab at a rock sale and loved it, but no one could tell us what the stone is! Any rockhounds out there who might be able to help us out? Larkin cut and polished the cabochon and wrapped it in copper which has been oxidized and polished.