Idle Talons

Happy Holidays!

fun, musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

Happy holidays from all of us at Idle Talons! Today Larkin is 18-- can you believe it?! Here they are, goofing off with younger brother Finn in front of our version of an xmas tree... solstice branch?

We are also finally able to unveil the project Larkin spent the better part of the last month working on!

Larkin has always associated Grandma Mary with lilacs, and they had been wanting to try a more sculptural project.

Each tiny element of this piece is hand-fabricated, shaped, and polished.

The flower features buds in all phases from entirely closed to fully open, and the leaf is perfectly textured to mimic the shiny, waxy surface of a lilac leaf.

Grandma Mary couldn't be happier, and we had a good time with photographs!