Idle Talons

Almeda Drive Fire

Larkin HamiltonComment

Hello friends,

This site focuses on Larkin's adventures in crafting, and that is not going to change. However, occasionally events outside our happy Idle Talons bubble can't be ignored. We live in the hills between Talent and Phoenix, Oregon, an area which you may have seen on the news last week as it was absolutely devastated by the Almeda Drive fire. At least 2,357 homes were completely lost, in an area with a combined total population of around 11,000 people. The most vulnerable among us were hit the hardest-- including many migrant workers who were in the area for harvest season. These folks often don't have insurance or access to a stable support network, and won't qualify for any kind of government aid. This is a dynamic document showing some of the least funded accounts to help people in our area recover. If you have the means to donate, this list is an excellent place to start. Thank you. And now back to our original programming.