Idle Talons

Bezel Learning Curve

musings, processLarkin HamiltonComment

A recreation of what must have been Larkin's thought process yesterday:

I'd like to try silver smithing. I don't really have the right materials or tools, but obviously today's the day. I think I'll use one of my smallest cabochons that is all curves and a point. That's very sensible. I *do* have a bit of bezel, but no silver sheeting. I'll hammer some wire out to use as backing. Oh look! An S curves nicely around the coral bursts! Hmmmm... how am I going to crimp and burnish this? Hey, remember that railroad spike I picked up on a hike years ago? I put a few twists in it using Emile's old forge. I bet I can polish one edge and use it as a burnisher. Perfect.

😂 Introducing Larkin's very first bezel-set stone. The burnishing is not quite done, so it will get a bit shinier. Obviously it's a learning process-- the fossilized coral sure is purty!