Idle Talons


musingsLarkin HamiltonComment

Hi everyone, this is Larkin. I wanted to post here myself because this is something that matters a lot to me, and if you’re in the US it should to you as well. 

This is obviously not a political page, but I don’t want to stay silent when the decisions being made will affect my life for years-- if not decades-- to come. At 15, I am not eligible to vote-- if you are, mask up and use your powers for good.

Over the last four years I’ve watched as my world has literally burned around me and listened to the people in power deny it. I’ve sat here as my rights and those of my friends, family, and loved ones have been taken away. I’ve watched as people of color have been murdered by the people who are supposed to protect them. I’ve seen refugee kids being taken from their parents and locked up in cages, and so so many more atrocities I don’t have the time or the heart to list here. 

So please, I’m begging you: Vote. Vote for the vulnerable people who can not. Vote because science is real. Vote because love is love. Vote because people don’t deserve to die because they can’t afford a life saving medication. Vote because the murder of people of color is wrong. Vote because women have a right to decide what happens to their bodies, because climate change is real, and because kids don’t deserve to be kept in cages. And if you feel that none of that will affect your life, think about the people you know who it will. 

I’m not allowed a voice, please don’t waste yours.
